Thursday 29 August 2013

Middle-Aged Lady Surgery Popular Due to Women’s Career Plans

Women over 60 address plastic surgeons to get an image of a middle-aged lady. It is necessary for them to keep the job and their colleagues’ respect, experts believe.

If women continue to work after the retirement, which is quite common, they want to save the once-won positions. American dermatologist Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas said that many of her older patients (from the editors of magazines to financiers and celebrities), would like to “freeze” themselves between the ages of 45 and 55.

Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas says at this age, you are mature enough to be taken seriously, but you so not refer to the elderly. She if often asked to leave a few wrinkles on the face for greater authenticity. No need for a radical rejuvenation, the image of a middle-aged lady is wanted. Women want to get preserved in the range from 45 to 55.

Among the most popular procedures that help achieve this effect, the experts mention chemical peels and laser therapy. Previously, Macrene mostly advised those women who wanted to continue exciting their husbands. Now a growing number of women use plastic surgery to maintain their career.

They want to remain professionally active after 60, and so they need to demonstrate their energy to others. Therefore, such patients require 10-15 years rejuvenation without any excesses. Too smooth face skin immediately shows that you have done plastic surgery. Women do not want it, or they will be considered vain and shallow.